Monday, June 3, 2013

Welcome to my mid century world!

Boys and girls, ladies and gents, guys and gals, chicks and dudes...

Hello! Let me introduce myself: my name is Claudia and I have an addiction to mid mod anything. I must confess, I’m not one of these young hipsters (more like an aging hipster, if you will) collecting mid century items... and I’m not saying they don’t know their stuff but (and it’s a BIG but) I know what is authentic to that era because I am authentic to that era. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I grew up in the 70’s, lived in houses built in the 50’s and 60's, had parents that married in the 50’s and grew up around all that 50’s, 60’s and 70’s decor. My love of mid century comes from having grown up with the originals. The very ones we desire today.

Oh, if I could just have some (more) of the pieces my parents had...sigh...oh, well, what’s done is done, but that doesn’t mean I won’t keep searching!

Mid century doesn’t just mean modern. And while mid mod is what turns me on, makes me weak in the knees, makes me swoon (floats my boat, gets my motor running, etc.) there is more to mid century than just MOD. Take Early American, for example. My best friend that I grew up with - her mother had their house in Early American from top to toe, and while you may want to turn your nose up at it (then again, you might not...) I will be the first to say it was tasteful and beautifully appointed (she really had a great eye). And current - for the late 60’s into the early 70’s.

I will be posting my finds. My before and afters (yes, i try to bring new life to old pieces), photos of my booth with its mid century items, etc. ad nauseum! I hope you'll enjoy visiting with me, enjoying my purchases and finds while I go to estate sales, flea markets, junk stores and yard sales. I never know where or when I'll find treasure - that's what makes this such a blast! (I may use terminology from the past too!)

BTW, are you a fan of Mad Men? Then stay tuned to this station!